
Code Of Hammurabi Essay

Decent Essays

The Code of Hammmurabi is the emblem of the Mesopotamian civilization. The high basalt stele erected by the king of Babylon in the eighteenth century BC. AD is a work of art, a literary and historical work and the most complete legal compendium of Antiquity, prior to biblical laws. Transported by a prince of the neighboring country of Elam in Iran in the twelfth century BC. AD, the monument was exhibited on the Susa acropolis among other prestigious Mesopotamian masterpieces.

This basalt stele was erected by King Hammurabi of Babylon (1792-1750 BC.) Probably at Sippar, the city of the sun god Shamash, god of justice. Additional copies of this monument, which is part of a tradition, were deposited in the towns of his kingdom. Two legal Sumerian compositions, those of Ur-Namma king of Ur (2100 BC.) And Ishtar of Isin-Lipit (around 1930 BC.), Precede the work of Hammurabi. The most important legal compendium of the ancient Near East as it was written before the biblical laws, the code is defined as the result of these tests. The text, which occupies most of the stele, constitutes the raison d'être of …show more content…

The observation of several similar cases does not result in the statement of a general and universal principle, that is to say to a law. It is not a question in fact a code of laws in the sense that we understand it today, but rather a collection of jurisprudence. The contradictions and inconsistencies that can raise (two similar cases causing different results) are explained by the fact that it is here question of particular judgments that were removed too intimate elements, for example the name of the protagonists. Because in Mesopotamia justice was a royal prerogative, Hammurabi presents a selection of the wisest legal decisions that he had to make himself or

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