
Cognitive Thinking Scaffolds

Decent Essays

Can Cognitive Thinking Scaffolds Increase Student Self-Regulation? Throughout my inquiry research this semester I have been able to find two primary themes. The first of them was that Bilingual Learners are capable of demonstrating their cognitive thinking in English when provided language supports. The second theme I found was that self-regulation is a huge part of allowing bilingual students to increase their English skills. Throughout this abbreviated literature review I will be connecting research articles to my inquiry research.
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Cognitive Thinking Bilingual students have the ability to think cognitively in both their first language and their second language. What they lack is the spoken or written language in …show more content…

It is very important that the students achieve the same desired objectives otherwise, the activity will be fruitless. Therefore, if we want the desired objectives to achieve then we should consider and pay attention to the uniqueness of the child in all aspects. Being the focus of education, the child should be treated in its own natural way. When a child interacts with the learning challenges in school, engage in information processing; it is related to his or her own cognitive style. It is the internal mental activity to process the information. But when they interact with the environment and gets information from the environment in its own way; it is related to their learning style which This is its specific learning style. It is also related to external and base on senses used. Each student adopts different strategies to get and process the information that result in specific learning strategies. Some strategies may be very effective some may be not at all. “(Abu Bakar & …show more content…

Most of the articles that I had located were based around the idea of self-regulation. All of them were published after 2011, this is important because their findings were all very similar in the fact that students all benefited by their ability to self-regulate parts of their education. Kim, W., & Linan-Thompson, S. (2013), looked at bilingual education of students with special needs, they had various results but what they consistently found is that when students were asked about self-regulation helping them every student agreed that it did help them. Throughout the inquiry process, I have been asking my students if they feel that the Bloom’s wheels are helping them improve their oral and writing skills and, with some attitude, they agree that it is helping them. Who better to ask than the students themselves, they are the people most affected in a classroom, so why not just ask them how they feel? In the article I had read by Tseng, W., Chang, Y., & Cheng, H. (2015), they found through talking to teachers that they all saw the benefit of self-regulation in students. However they also found that because of time and resources most teachers do not provide opportunities for students to self-regulate. Seker, M. (2015) suggested that not only do

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