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DISCUSS: Dickens’ Coketown is not a city, rather a stage for the workings out of Gradgrind’s philosophy. Considering the above sentence examine the construction of the city in Hard Times.

Coketown is quite literally the ‘town of coke’, the raw material used to convert iron to steel and indirectly the foundation of the ‘steel/industrial revolution’. It is critical to analyze the name of the city for Dickens’ Hard Times is a satirical caricature on the condition of England in the 19th century. Dickens uses language as a powerful tool to put across his points or rather his ‘facts’. The inhabitants of Coketown have only one function, namely to work. Coketown is a city that feeds no needs besides what is useful there …show more content…

At the beginning of the chapter the city is compared to Mrs. Gradgrind: "[The city] had no greater fancy in it than Mrs. Gradgrind herself". While this imparts to the town the qualities of a living being, therefore turning it into something even more threatening, on the other hand it seems to highlight that Mrs. Gradgrind just like her husband degrades herself to something ugly and loathsome because of the lack of imagination.
Further Coketown is likened to savages, which shows that Coketown is alien to but contrariwise also part of the system: "It was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of a savage". Coketown can be seen as a colony - a place that is exploited for the needs of the colonizers. The factories are the places where the labour of Coketown is subjugated. There tedious work is carried out; the machines are compared to elephants: "the piston of the

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