
Collaboration Among Different Professions Is A Key To A

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Collaboration among different professions is a key to a positive prognosis in health care settings. To properly prepare the health care providers for collaborative practice, the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) developed a national interprofessional (IP) competency teamwork, which identifies six essential competencies. One key competency is interprofessional communication. It is defined as “learners/ practitioners understand their own role and the roles of those in other professions, and use this knowledge appropriately to establish and achieve patient/client/ family and community goals” (CIHC, 2010). In this paper, a clinical case related to interprofessional communication will be reviewed. The significance of the …show more content…

Soon after Mr. Marks received the medication, he became very lightheaded and rang the bell. Tina noticed that he has reduced respiration and his oxygen saturation level was falling. His SBP was also dropped below 90/60. Tina called for assistant immediately. Charge nurse called Dr. Marks and he came to the unit right away. He assessed Mr. James and ordered narcotic antagonist naloxone. Mr. James recovered subsequently. The presented clinical situation demonstrated ineffective interprofessional communication. First, the rehab physician did not communicate with the nurse Tina to clarify the medication order he wrote. Second, the nurse Tina did not communicate with her collegues or consult pharmacy about the issue. The interprofessional communication requires mutual respect and active listening to ensure common understanding of care decisions. It also involves negotiating, consulting, interacting, discussing or debating in a collaborative and responsible manner (CIHC, 2010). These important components were not applied by the physician and the primary nurse. Lack of communication result in medical errors which have the potential to cause severe injury or unexpected patient death (O’Danie & Rosenstein, 2008). In this case, patient was administered potent narcotics and developed opioid overdose symptoms. This time, the team members, including the physician, the primary nurse and the charge nurse was able to effectively communicated and emergency treatment was

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