
College Admissions Case Paper

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The University of Texas at Austin have high expectations in diverse and social goals involving, “ending stereotypes, promoting ‘cross-racial understanding,’ preparing students for an ‘increasingly diverse workforce and society” (Case Document, 2016, p.3). His case challenged the undergraduate admissions system of University of Texas in Austin on their factors involved in the admission programs. The University of Texas has admissions programs that review factors such as race, background, test scores etc. The admission programs first looks at the student’s test scores and school performances to decide whether they meet the academic requirements. Personal Achievement Index is also used in which it analyzes the applicant’s personal achievements …show more content…

In 1954, the case Brown v. Board of Education dealt with the Brown family feeling like the education system was violating the Fourteenth Amendment having separate schools based on race/color. The court appealed their case and decided that having “separate but equal” schools was a violation to the 14th amendment. Moving forward to years before 1996, race was a massive consideration on admittance; however, it was ruled unconstitutional in 1996 by the Court of the Appeals because it violated the Equal Protection Clause. In 2004, race was allowed as a reviewing factor after the Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger cases in 2003. I small recap again on the Grutter v. Bollinger case was quite similar to Fisher vs. University of Texas at Austin. A white woman named Barbara Grutter was denied acceptance into the University of Michigan Law School. In the end, the court concluded that even though the law school uses race as a factor for their admission process for admittance into their school they still either admit or deny the applications using all the other factors along with race equally to create their diverse student …show more content…

Since race has been allowed to be a factor in decision making for admittance into the school, admissions in minorities has increased due to the favor on diversity. Abigail Fisher (a caucasian female) applied for UT in 2003, but was denied admittance into the university. She filed a lawsuit against the University of Texas at Austin claiming that she was not admitted because of her race which violates the Equal Protection Clause. Nikole Hanna- Jones speaks on how Fisher felt wrongfully denied her admittance in the university. In her article What Abigail Fisher’s Affirmative Action Case Was Really About “But she was cheated, they say, her dream snatched away by university that closed its doors to her because she had been born the wrong color: White (2016, p. 1).” Reflecting on this case, Fisher’s affirmative action of feeling like she was denied, because of her race is understandable. Her denial of admittance brought light into the subject for not only UT, but for other universities in how their decision making processes can affect students personally by lowering their self-esteem and it also diminishes a university

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