
College Admissions Essay: A Career As A Counselor

Decent Essays

Maya Angelou stated, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” This quote I believe is indicative of the challenges students with disabilities may endure in and outside of the classroom. I recall in fifth grade when asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” My responses to this question was that I wanted to be a teacher or therapist. I did acquire my Masters in Mental Health Counseling and enjoyed my work with students with behavioral disorders, along with depression, but I was not feeling fulfilled within my professional journey of becoming a licensed mental health counselor. Professional opportunities strengthened my skills in mentoring and educating juniors and seniors, as a college coordinator to cultivate academic plans for higher levels of education. I recalled the challenges eleventh and twelfth graders faced based on their IEP, poor academic overall GPAs along with the schools they were attended as they felt defeated. I recognized I sought to lead a classroom, in a professionally, nonetheless was insecure of how I should proceed. I applied for New York City Teaching …show more content…

I expect to face challenges and I know this will not be stress-free work, but expect to learn tremendously about myself as a person, developing new skills for myself and the students. I wish to challenge the students in my classroom positively, but also maintain that I should challenge myself as an educator. Together with my class, I would like to develop a positive classroom culture where everyone works together, students, paraprofessionals, and myself. I expect to have many questions and require support as I embark the teaching profession. Expectations for my students would consist of having a productive school year, where they are able to develop a positive relationship with me as I desire to do the

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