We must not let our past define us, but it is my past that has paved a way for my future. I owe everything I am and have achieved to my mother who has endured interminable years of hard work to provide for her children. It is poverty, hard work, discrimination, education and the desire for a better life that has driven me to my goals.
At a young age, I did not apprehend the adversities my family suffered. I understood that the life I was living was a privilege and that everything I sought must be earned. I watched my mother work during the day to provide for us and attend school during the evening to better her career. Reflecting back, my definition of perseverance and hard work comes from watching my mother’s late nights and early mornings
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I endured hatred and discrimination for being myself. My best friends, who had dark-colored skin or immigrated, confronted similar acts. At the time I didn’t realize it, but I found a passion that I would work tirelessly for: equality.
These everyday micro-aggressions during my life has propelled me to study Psychology, Women and Ethnic Studies, and Marketing to better the world in which we live in. With my definitive goal to work for the United Nations on Human Rights, I strive to positively impact and inspire every life I touch and provide an easier better future for those who are less fortunate. Every position obtained, occupation worked and experience endured has lead me closer to my goal. Every second of every day I am preparing my future and striving to reach my dreams of a peaceful, loving world that provides all its people the chance to achieve. Through the hard work and perseverance that I learned from my mother, I am positive that I will reach my goals.
The summer after I graduated high school, I was an intern for the Office of the Mayor and Economic Development. There I organized events for the city of Colorado Springs and analyzed data for the economic improvement of the city. Here I learned how great of an impact the economy has on the
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During this time, I will be looking at Counseling and Sociology Master programs to apply to. After graduating with my degree in Counseling and Sociology, I plan to work in low-income high schools as a counselor to directly impact the students. Also during this time, I would like to apply to the State Policy Fellowship Program to work on Education Policy Reforms to improve the education that underfunded school systems provide. Shortly after working in this setting, I will apply to several internships for the United Nations to begin my career in Human Rights. Afterwards I will apply for a formal position with the United
Through experiencing social injustices, and making myself more culturally aware of inequality amongst social classes, I believe I have cultivated the leadership skills necessary for success. My willingness to reach out to the environment beyond me has exposed me to a career path that excites me and is my true passion. I plan to take action to improve the lives of the defenseless and those who are politically and socially disadvantaged. Through utilizing what I have learned by dedicating my time to service I know that I will truly make an impact on the lives of the helpless. During my years attending university I plan to continue a rigorous course load focused on a career path that truly intrigues me. I also plan on continuing to dedicate my free time to service and philanthropy. Overall, I have dedicated my high school career to becoming a leader in and out of the classroom. I hope that by attending University of Texas-Austin I will be able to utilize the resources provided to become a leader prepared to make worldwide change, continue on a path of academic achievement, and create a successful future not only for myself, but for those in generations to come as
Working toward social justice for others has already begun for me. I know that being a graduate student with help hone and refine my skills as a clinical social worker. After I graduate, I have a long-term goal of working in community and hospital settings. I am especially interested in issues that relate to families.
Prior to being in graduate school I was not fully aware of all the opportunities and experiences in social work. I have since gained more knowledge of macro level opportunities in the field of social work, such as advocating for human rights, and social justice. I have also been presented with the chance to tackle tough policies that directly impacts clients that I have interacted with through my experience in social work. I plan to continue to identify weakness in various systems to promote social justice, and learn more ways to change social institutions to be more humane and
My work experience as a human services worker has developed in me a deep passion for liberty and justice. Later this month, I will graduate from SUNY Empire State with a Master's Degree in Social Policy. I enjoy doing research, and I am very adept at understanding and working with technology. I have the ability to teach and train others, both in a one-on-one and in a group
In this week’s lecture Justin Lee came to speak to speak to the class on Careers in Social Work. He led the lecture by discussing his career choices and pathway in which spoke a lot about his academic’s. Justin received his PhD at a college in Richmond, VA and when he was eighteen years old he traveled to Guatemala for academic study. In Guatemala Justin taught classes and visited orphanages where children where. As he grew older after obtaining a PhD he decided to teach classes at Barton College in Wilson, NC for undergraduate students. In his earlier years before the PhD his career wasn’t quite what he expected today. He told the class that he choose to study Sociology because the professor teaching it at the time was really good. Justin
These interests and my detail-oriented organizational skills, determination and compassion have instilled within me the goal of a goal career in facilitating international humanitarian aid. My recent involvement with tutoring refugees in Elizabeth, New Jersey has really opened my eyes to the many problems people face daily and given me social consciousness
One of my most cherished thoughts is that all goals are in grasp if you can work hard enought and long enought you can achieve them. I also believe with dedication any person can reach what they dreamed about.
I have proficient knowledge about anti- oppressive issues and social justice causes due to my extensive experience with children and youth at different capacities. I was an English tutor for elementary aged students when I was in high school. During my undergraduate studies, I completed a placement at a youth homeless shelter, volunteered at a support program by preparing academic activities for children with autism and co-taught
As you may know, I am currently in my sophomore year at Wellesley College studying Peace and Justice Studies with a concentration in Community Development through Education and Policy. As my second year at Wellesley College nears its end, it is with a grateful and joy-filled heart that I write this letter.
I hope to return to Elizabethtown College in the fall with a fresh perspective, and be able to connect what I will learn this summer with the course in Peace, War, and Nonviolence I plan to take in the fall. Following college, I would like to take my knowledge of psychology and apply it to the study of conflict intervention by pursuing a master’s degree in conflict mediation. Eventually, I would like work with communities on healing a reconstruction post
I am Jamral Dejohn Rease, From Greensboro, North Carolina, son of Sammuel Johnson and Karen Rease. Currently I attend the University of North Carolina at Pembroke seeking a Master degree in the field of social work. After graduating from Grimsley high school in Greensboro North Carolina, I enrolled in the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, with a scholarship to play football. After a career ending concussion my junior year, I decided to pursue a profession in human services. To be engaged in my community and its development is very important to me because the people I admire engage in the same responsibility on a professional and humane level. Moreover, they take personal responsibility by staying engaged in community. These are values and beliefs that I have integrated throughout every aspect of my life. Further, surrounding myself around more individuals that strive to continue these goals to aid in my development as a greater leader and mentor
“Keep your goals out of reach, but not out of sight.” –Anonymous. All goals in life should be challenging, or a dream you have. Never set the bar too low, to make it easy on yourself, nor set the bar to high, that makes you put yourself under some much stress so it makes it impossible to reach your goal at a healthy state in mater in your life. Having goals in your life helps you picture what you want in the future and what the future has in store for you. There is a difference between the goals you want to happen soon and the goals you want to happen in the future. The goals you what to happen soon are call short term goals. The goals that you have set for your future are called long term goals. Three short term goals I have are, making it to state track, joining NHS and NSHSS, and getting my CNA. A long term goal I have is to graduate from The University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in
Goals, goals, goals they're what people think about and how they are going to achieve them in the future. My three goal in life are to get in the college of my choice, go skydiving and to get a well paying job. These three goals are important to me because they are what I am likely to achieve within the next ten years. As I grow and blossom into someone big, someone bigger than who I am today I don’t mean just physically but bigger intellectually, and more capable. These goals show me that if I want to achieve them, then I have to work hard to accomplish them.
Professionally I know I have the desire and will to offer more to this graduate program at this prestige university I would be abbot to share some of the stories I’ve been told with those who are willing to listen. I may not have accomplished a lot in my young career but what I am certain about is that would the help of this graduate program and the willingness on my behalf and have so much more to offer, especially in the concentration field of human rights, which holds a special place in my heart.
As most of my peers, I have been asking myself a question, what do I want out of my life? This question bothers many people, and not only the college students who are trying to figure out the path that will lead them to the comfortable life. One might ask, what is that comfort that we all are striving for? Is it a state of mind or is it some unknown world that we are so eager to enter. It varies from person to person; there are several aspects, such the way were raised, making, of our lives that could influence a person and the future decisions that we’ll make.