
College Admissions Essay: The Meaning Of Life

Decent Essays

Your mind can be an extremely powerful weapon, it can bring you fame and it can bring you fortune. It can bring you pain and it can bring you torment. Your mind is everything, every step, blink and breathe is controlled by it. With so many capabilities, it is a common question as to how far the human mind can be stretched, how far it will go and how long it will endure the nature of our society and the world as a whole.
What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Where did we come from? These are all questions that I’ve asked myself during childhood. As I young boy, I viewed the world as a tangible, conquerable place where nothing seemed impossible. I believed that if you put your mind to a task you will accomplish that goal. This seemed …show more content…

Although I saw what we were going through I never thought we were struggling. I never looked at the house we lived in and thought poorly of it, I saw it as a place where my family lived and as long as we were together I was happy.
As an adult now I view the world as a fragile and empty place where we all just coexist and await out demise. I think about the goals of most and realize that fame and fortune is only temporary. I don't want temporary, I want to help my fellow man and leave a mark on this planet. I also realize that I would rather have a wife I love and children that I adore than have all the money in the word. What is the point of having fortion when you have nothing to be fortionite with? These are the beliefs that I hold today that set me apart from others in my age bracket.
I often get lost in thought, those questions of, why I’m here and what is the meaning of life are examples of questions that I ask myself almost once a day. It might sound like I’m a philosopher figuring out the universe, but I often feel like a prisoner to my own mind. I had a moment in my life where I thought I lost all control, in sixth grade I faced severe anxiety, it was difficult to think let alone attend

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