
College Admissions Essay: Why I Go To College

Decent Essays

Like many kids I want to go to college and play football. Aslo like many kids my grades aren’t what they need to be to get into a good college. When I was younger, I put myself around people who influenced me in a bad way when it came to grades. Eventually I got myself away from those people and started doing better in school. As I walk around the school today, I see them not passing classes, and they don’t care. That's not going to get me into a good college. When you do research on why top prospects didn’t go to college most of the time it was because of grades. This year we played New Haven in football, they had a running back that easily could have went to a division one college. He didn’t have the grades to do that. I feel like I could …show more content…

I am starting to realize not that they actually do. I have already done football and basketball this year and it felt so short. Three years from now i am going to be looking back and ask myself where it all went. I was always told not to take anything for granted because you'll regret it. I have talked to many past football and basketball players, the first thing the tell me is to work hard, because it goes by fast and you will look back and wish you had a second chance. I have also had family members tell me that too, because they wish that they had worked harder so they could have went to college to play sports. I have not been in this situation because i’m not out of high school yet, obviously. I try to keep that in the back of my mind, because i don’t want to look back and with i had done things differently. I want to make the most out of every opportunity that I have. When I was younger I put myself around people that I should not have been hanging around. At that point in time I had no idea what my goals were, I was just being a kid. Once I realized what my goals were I, and that I would do anything to achieve them I slowly put myself away from those people. I look at those people now and I realize that they haven’t put himself in the position to be successful. If I wouldn’t have realized what I was getting myself into I would have no chance at getting where I want to

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