
College Athletes Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

College Athletes Pay Persuasive Outline Specific Purpose: To persuade the SPC-112-W003 class on why college athletes should be getting paid. Central Idea: The controversy over whether athletes should be getting paid or not has been a topic on the news in the past and will, over time, get brought up. I. Introduction a. Attention-getter: Coaches of college students often don’t follow practice limits, which means students have more time in practice and fewer opportunities to study. b. Credibility material: According to an NCAA study on the experiences of college athletes have revealed that 60% of student athletes reported viewing themselves “more as athletes than students.” c. Relevance to audience: If you plan on going to college, like me, you know how expensive things are going …show more content…

Body a. Most college athletes are full of stress, which can increase risks of diseases. i. If a college athlete is helping publicize the school, they are attracting attention and possible income to their university. 1. Preparing for games and classes at the same time seems incredibly hard at the college level, thus increasing stress. 2. Athletes stress over performance and are often pressured to push themselves 3. Because of these factors student athletes can be at a higher risk of anxiety and depression. ii. College students need money; athletes need it even more. 1. The fact that these athletes are helping the school make money shows that they should get a portion of it. 2. According to businessinsider, the NCAA makes $31,924,154 in revenue, just from football. 3. If the college is making money from their athletes’ performance, those athletes just be getting money as well. There are 400,000 college athletes who participate in athletic games each year, put in several hours of practice, and even win champion ships. In return they legally aren’t able to earn a single penny. b. Colleges, like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford, have the money to pay their athletes. So why don’t they pay

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