
College Degree In William A. Henry's In Defense Of Elitism

Decent Essays

College Degrees Aren’t What They Used to be.

In today’s world, many people think that a college degree isn’t what it used to be. A college degree used to guarantee a job right out of school, and now, even graduates with masters degrees being unemployed in their field of study. William A. Henry talks about this subject in his book , In Defense of Elitism. Henry talks about how degrees don’t guarantee your field of study anymore, and how that the only reason why some people even get job interviews in the first place is because they can put that they have a college degree on their resume. He talks about how just because you perform tasks better in the workplace that it doesn't mean you’ll get the promotion. College educations used to be seen …show more content…

High unemployment rates and the terrible economy has made many skeptical about degrees. In William A Henry’s In Defense of Elitism, he states that, “The total bill for higher education is about $150 billion per year, with almost two-thirds of that spent by public institutions run with taxpayer funds”(Henry 1). This is an outrageous amount of money being spent. With the costs of degrees skyrocketing, one would assume that the worth of a degree would follow suit. Sadly though, that isn’t the case. College degrees are becoming more and more costly, with student debt rising to over a trillion dollars. I think this number is outrageous, and inflated, there is no reason why students should be paying so much for college and an education when there’s little to no reward except the huge amounts of debt on your hands when you graduate. If you leave college with so much debt, it almost makes more sense to skip college, skip the debt, and just go straight to job …show more content…

“Only 36.5 percent of students at public, four-year universities have obtained a degree after five year,close to the lowest level in three decades. That number does go up at private universities, where 57 percent graduate within five years, according to an analysis by ACT, which has kept a comprehensive database of completion rates since 1983”(CNBC). This statement means that students are paying thousands upon thousands of dollars a year, ensuring debt for the next 15 to 20 years, if not for the rest of their life, are still not even getting a degree. It also means that even at private universities, more than four in ten students don't earn a degree after five years. However there are many factors to consider when it comes to complition rates. A student may have transferred from another school, others take part time jobs to pay for college. This ensures students who are either working or have to retake classes will take longer to graduate due to the fact that they are unable to take a full load or simply because a full load of classes is to costly. I think it is unfair to those individuals who are forced to work while in school, due to the fact that those who finish college get higher paying jobs while the others are forced to stick with their minimum wage job while attending college. Even if you had at least some credits and decided to drop out, you still don’t offer

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