
College Parking Spaces

Decent Essays

As being a commuter back and forth to college I find it hard to find a parking space. We have very many student, and not so many parking spaces. It is not just students that can not find parking. Students, staff, and administration all use same parking lot. Over two thousand people are using a parking lot with about one hundred parking space. I think we should turn where the old dorms were into a parking, and make a staff and administration parking.
Coffeyville Community College has over two thousand students, staff, and administration all using one parking lot. Myself as a driver back and forth to go attend school would like to have a parking spaces when I get there, but that is not always the case. There has been many of times I have been late to class because I can not find somewhere to park my car. As I have learned you have to be at the college thirty minutes earlier then usual to find a free space.
I understand parking spaces are not a big deal, but if I am paying so much to attend the college it would nice to have a parking space. I think we should enforce parking permits better. Schools often issue many more parking permits than available spaces. “For example, at the University of Arkansas, 14,000 parking permits are …show more content…

One of the solutions that was used in Carolina. “They have already employed virtually all campus parking management practices that are out there. With parking constraints in every direction on main campus, any changes that can be made to on-campus parking will produce relatively minor effects. The park and ride lots, however, are a different situation. Location, size, accessibility, cost, and frequency of transit service can have a significant effect on how popular a P&R lot is. These factors can be much more easily controlled and manipulated to improve the attractiveness of the park and ride option relative to parking on campus.”( This well cost more money in the long

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