
College Tuition Is Too Expensive

Decent Essays

College Tuition Is Too Expensive There are many colleges around the world and most people like to attend one. Students study hard and try their best just so they can get an acceptance letter from their dream college. However, college tuition is not that affordable; college tuition is increasing in price every single year while the yearly salary of a father stays the same or barely increases. College tuition should be affordable to everyone regardless of his or her family status and position. Students should be able to attend a college without being in a debt consisting of thousands of dollars. There are scholarships, grants and financial aid available but that does not help everyone. A middle class family cannot fully afford a child going to a 4-year college and make a living, which is comfortably in residence. A change in college tuition is definitely required for American students and the students around the world to have a better education at low cost. The cost of out of state college is almost 40% more than an in state college. Thou some families make enough money that they won’t need financial aids and grants for their children’s to go to college but the amount of families is really low compared to the families who can only rely on financial aids for their children’s to go to a decent college and get an education. Fathers and Mothers work hard to earn the money and many students do not want their parents spending that much money to get an education. That statement

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