
Colony Abuse Disorder

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intro: Many people say that bees are accountable for one of every three bites of food we eat. In addition to plant pollination (crucial to crop growth), bees also provide people with many wax based products as well. Honeybees are singlehandedly one of the most important organisms in our ecosystem, however their efforts are often ignored. The bees are dying, and their mysterious disappearances are raising far less warning signs than needed. Colony collapse disorder has been an enormous concern for quite a while now, and it is only getting worse. Using multiple scholarly sources, the importance of CCD and bees will be brought to light throughout this paper. An introduction to the definition of colony collapse disorder will be looked at as an …show more content…

Being used worldwide, neonicontinoids which have a similar chemical structure/properties as nicotine have been used as an insecticide that attacks insect’s nervous systems for many years now. Being infused within the seed of the crop, bees can be in direct contact with the chemical from the pollen of the plant, “…neonicotinoids, or neonics, a nicotine-based pesticide that coats seeds and infuses all parts of a crop as it matures, are "a key factor in the decline of bees” (“Save the bees, save ourselves”). Experts statistically noticed that one hundred percent of corn seeds and sixty percent of soybean seeds in Ontario are treated with this chemical (“Save the bees, save ourselves”). Presence of these toxins in a bee’s system lead to weakness and eventual death themselves, or play a role in multiple disruptions to their bodies. With the chemical in their body the bee’s health begins to deteriorate as scientifically proven, “Exposure to thiamethoxam appears to impair bees’ homing ability, with consequences for colony survival” (“Save the bees, save ourselves”). Neonicotinoids amongst other chemicals have been linked to causing problems in the bee’s homing capabilities as well as introducing the possibility of the deformed wing virus. A neuroethologist at Newcastle University, discovered that the neonic-tained nectar possesses seemingly addictive …show more content…

In a statistical study done it was found; “The economic value of U.S. crops that benefit from honeybee pollination has been estimated at $15 billion annually. In 2006 the California almond export crop alone was valued at $1.9 billion and required more than one million bee colonies for pollination”. (Dainat) With keeping the fact that plants that need honeybees into in mind, the impact of honeybees in modern agriculture is significantly large as many places around the world rely on beekeepers for honey, as well as pollination services (Dainat). A main statement often brought up regarding CCD is Einstein’s assumption about the human race eradicating shortly after the bees. A lot of what humans eat consist of many items that are only produced due to pollination. A Canadian committee regarding agriculture stated; “Approximately a third of the human diet comes directly or indirectly from insect-pollinated plants, with the annual value of bee pollination in Canada an estimated $2 billion. The majority of flowering plants require pollination to reproduce, and bees are responsible for about 70 per cent of that pollination.” In regards to the whole world, it is estimated from the same study that the bees contribution to food production worldwide stands at about two hundred billion. (“Save the bees, save

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