
Colten's Holes-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

One day Colten woke up to his dad banging pans together. It sounded like a wild circus, but it sounded like this every year around this time. Every year Colten’s family wake up at 5:00 and go camping by this cool lake surrounded by it was a huge forest and that was today. Colten hate’s camping every year. His dad yelled “everyone get packed and get out to the car now!” then Colten rushed out of bed and threw on a pair of clothes and pushed all his stuff in his bag and ran out to the car he got into the car very first so he could get the very back right of the car. It’s the best spot in the car you can charge your phone, it’s by the window and it’s really easy to fall asleep on that spot then all his siblings get in the car my dad says “does

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