
Columbian Exchange Dbq Essay

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From 1450-1750, there was a time of great exploration and advancement in technology that state consolidation and expansion. Inventions like the astrolabe, compass, and lanteen sail made these expeditions possible and more accessible than ever before. There were positive and negative effects of exploration and it greatly impacted the organization of regions throughout time. As networks of communication and exchange emerged, goods and the transmission of disease increased like smallpox, new discoveries of unkown territories were made such as the New World, and cultural interactions that spread religion like the Spanish converting Mexico to Christianity were becoming more and more evident. The Columbian Exchange traded lots of commerce …show more content…

The Conquest of Mexico (doc.6) , written by Bernardino de Sahagun was meant to document the interactions between Moctezuma and Cortes. According to the source, Moctezuma greeted Cortes with flowers, necklaces, and a bow that demonstrated a sign of respect. He welcomed Cortes to their land and allowed him to govern the city of Mexico which is exactly what Cortes did. The Spanish wanted to convert everybody to Christianity and would do this harshly and destroyed lots of belief systems that were previously there. The systems the Spanish put in place were heavily abused and it subjugated the native people to slavery. This source can be contrasted with the peaceful interaction between the Nankun Man and the Muslim people (doc.1). The document is written in the point of view of Ma huan who is documenting the harmonic interaction between the Nankun Man and the Muslim people. The Nankun man and his people respected the elephant and ox and vowed to not eat the ox. He then asked the Muslim people, who did not pig , to make a pact. If the Muslim people did not eat th flesh of the ox, then the country of the Nankun Man would not eat pig. This compact respected both cultures and has not been broken which shows how cultures can come together and peacefully compromise. This is very different to the Spanish who did not consider the cultures and religions of the people of Mexico and because of that the organization of those regions have been

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