
Coming Of Age In The Outsiders And The Fifth Wave

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What defines the people on this earth, if not their values? Core values, are what make people who they are. Coming of age is when a person grows. People can come of age in many ways. They can come of age mentally, when their outlook on life changes. They can come of age emotionally, when the way they feel about significant aspects of their lives changes. Lastly, they can come of age spiritually when the way the look at the universe, religion, or god, changes. Characters can come of age in all of these ways when they realise their core values. In the realistic fiction book The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, the dystopian fiction novel The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey, and the science fiction publication Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, the characters come of age …show more content…

In The Outsiders, characters often have to make tough decisions that may harm them or those around them, and in order to make sure they choose correctly, they have to realize their core values.
Johny’s core value of family and friends strengthened when he brought himself to killing someone. to defend his friend. He despises killing but he did it to defend his friend, Ponyboy. If he had not killed the soc he and ponyboy would have died. So he discovers his core values when he has to save pony boy from being killed by killing a soc. “‘Yeah.’ His voice quavered slightly. ‘I had to. They were drowning you, Pony. They might have killed you. And they had a blade... they were gonna beat me up...’” (Hinton 50). To a normal person in a gang, killing is not an incredibly big deal. But for Johnny who would never kill anybody and has never until this point. He really cares about his friends and fellow gang members. Johnny has a lot of mental strength, not just physical to kill someone. One of johnny's core values is friendship because he is willing to kill someone to save his friend. Cherry’s finds out that her core values are helping people who are right. So in order

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