
Coming Of Age Story Analysis

Decent Essays

Coming of age stories has an adolescent that undergoes a change. In “Through the Tunnel”, “The Passage”, and “American History” are examples of stories that do this. More specifically the main characters try to separate themselves from others. These characters attempt to divide themselves from people important in their lives, their parents. Therefore, in coming of age stories the protagonist breaks from their parents through a symbolic act. The author of “The Passage” uses multiple symbols to create the divide between the boy and the father. The first example of this is used “He sat in front of the fire and looked across at his father and wondered just how he was going to tell him. It was a very serious thing… he wanted to go fishing with someone other than his father.” (Trumbo). The boy was caught between his father or his friend and the fire in the conversation symbolizes the internal battle within the boy. He tells his dad he wants to go with someone else and his dad respects that. The story continues in the confrontation between the two of them and the dad says “So use my rod and let Bill use yours” and “It was as simple as that and yet he knew is a great thing. His father’s rod was a very valuable one. It was perhaps the only extravagance, his father had” (Trumbo), the fishing rod symbolizes the divide between the boy and his father.
In Doris Lessing’s “Through the Tunnel” is a second display of a character dividing themselves from their parents. The protagonist

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