
Coming Of Age Story Essay

Decent Essays

Prepare notes on the following questions and bring them to class on the first day of school:
1. A- What is a coming-of-age story? B- How was your book a coming-of-age story? C-What landmarks have and will mark your own personal coming-of-age story?

What is a coming-of-age story?
A coming of age story in my ideas are when a book takes you through the eyes of someone with a problem or a situation at a young age. Then takes them through a long battle and siege of thought in their life. Until they come to some conclusion of what they want to do with their problem or what direction they want to take in their life. Through the time span of the book the person grows and expands mentally, physically, and has most times in the end of the book, grown …show more content…

The first landmark in my mind, is the house I grew up and was raised in, I lived there till I was eight years old. I attended a school fifteen minutes from my house for kindergarten through 2nd grade, until we have moved. Then came the second landmark, it was the big house we moved into on the lake. I had needed to attend a new school, it was about a five minute drive away and I went to that school for two years, 3rd and 4th grade. Things got dull after a while and balancing school and swimming became too much, I should have been careful what I wished for, because we soon after moved. The third landmark was the biggest divider, because we moved across seas this time, and we were contracted to live in Europe for two years, because of my father’s work. So I had to have my 5th and 6th grade year abroad. The fourth and final landmark, was moving back to the United States and spending my 7th grade year here at EPS and now my 8th! And at the end of my own coming of age story, I have grown from a child to a teenager, and have learned so much more than I would have if I didn’t travel abroad. I wouldn’t have learned what it’s like in other cultures, or have been as mature when I want to, and I wouldn’t have been able to focus and see the finer things in life, like I do now in my own coming of age

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