
Commentary By Virginia Woolf : The Importance Of Beauty?

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Woolf also implements her moment of being technique by shifting the protagonists thoughts of negativity to the cheerful moments of her and her husband when she is left alone on the sofa at the party (Woolf, 1924). This moment of being allows the protagonist to finally conquer these negative moments since she realizes she is forty years old and needs to begin thinking of herself appropriately. This excellently portrays the Modernist mindset of writers within the realm of European fiction by emphasizing inner emotions, consciousness, and alienation. The symbol of the dress represents how this object causes the protagonist to experience complex inner emotions, experience continuous conscious thoughts of inferiority and the alienation of not being good enough. Critical sources on this work by Virginia Woolf have also interpreted the symbol of the dress to represent these distinct Modernist characteristics. Psychologically, Mabel Waring has created an imaginary world where she is continuously inferior, but the reality is the only person critiquing her is herself (Vonepho, 2013). In addition, this relates to the cultural aspect of the early twentieth century in which she seeks the approval from individuals from upper-class since she comes from a poor background (Vonepho, 2013). This supports my analyzation for the existence of stream of consciousness through the symbol of the dress by repeating the cycle of oppressive thoughts (Vonepho, 2013). The critical commentary by

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