
Commentary On The Book 'Oh Yeah, Audrey !' By Shaw

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In Oh Yeah, Audrey!, published in 2014 by Amulet Books, Shaw tells the story of Gemma Beasley, who sneaks away to New York City to meet with some friends and celebrate the life of Audrey Hepburn. He is able to create an entire novel that takes place in the span of 26 hours using the times of the day as the individual chapters. This is important because Gemma puts together an itinerary for the weekend but throughout the story, different problems arise which causes them to keep changing their schedule. It is revealed in the beginning that Gemma co-owns the blog, Oh Yeah, Audrey!, with her Internet friends, Bryan and Trina. They decide to finally meet in person for the first time in New York City. They make it to breakfast on time, which was scheduled for 7 a.m. and plan on going to all the Breakfast at Tiffany’s landmarks when Telly arrives. On the blog, there was a certain person that always left hateful comments named Telly. They find out that she only commented those things because she was jealous of how skinny Audrey was. They forgive her and let her join their group for the rest of time. Telly also informs them that there would be an Audrey Hepburn wardrobe auction that day, which they decided …show more content…

He gives the dress to Gemma and asks her out to dinner, which causes her to choose between Dusty and her friends. Luckily, her friends were okay with her going as long as she made it to the Ziegfield Theater to watch the special midnight screening of Breakfast at Tiffany’s. He persuades her to stay a little longer and longer until it’s too late and she chooses the boy over her friends. At 2:30 a.m., he takes her back to the hotel that they were all staying at but since she was too embarrassed to face her friends, she accepts Dusty’s offer to stay at his house for the night. When she gets there, she realizes how selfish she was and

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