
Common Issues In Latin America, By Jorge Luis Borges

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Latin American Literature Essay
“Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone,” Jorge Luis Borges. This shows that in Latin America there is no strong, sound, or even semistable foundation for the people and government there. Therefore, they are forced to do the best they can with what they have. This will, can, and has caused multiple problems in Latin America. Consequently, most Latin American authors use their works and influences to enlighten others on these issues. Most of Latin American literature is written with similar purposes due to these common issues found in Latin America. Some of these include poverty, corruption, and identity or worth. Allusions of these are found in most of the …show more content…

“which once broke up in a tatter of slums and open lots out toward the endless pain,” (Borges, 340). “Worst of all was that age-long fear engraved on the flesh: I am without shelter and the world has banished me to my own world,” (Lispector, 327). These are just a couple of quotes from different Latin American authors that not only allude to, but outright state some of the aspects of poverty. Slums and no shelter at all are very commonplace when it comes poverty. This is especially true when it comes to Latin America considering that it has one of the highest poverty rates of any region in the world. About one in five Latin Americans live in chronic poverty which accounts for about 130 million out of 500 million or 26% of those who live in chronic poverty around the world. Furthermore, those who experience this kind of poverty in Latin America cannot normally escape it due to a lack of economic opportunity. This means that the adults cannot get into a job that pays regularly or if it does pay regularly, it pays less than minimum wage. It also means that they cannot afford good education, if they can afford any, for their children, leaving their children in the same poverty loop as themselves. Therefore, the only people educated and willing enough to speak up for them are the authors of Latin …show more content…

They try to convey this through showing what poverty is truly like and what it can do to people, showing the corruption of the governments that they are ruled and controlled by, and by showing how lost a person get and how much losing yourself can hurt. No matter who it is, everyone has a voice. It’s just a matter of whether they use it or not. “On our shadowy earth each man is Adam: with him the world begins, with him it ends,” (Paz, 344). Everyone gets a choice, but not everyone will make the right one. “Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone,” Jorge Luis Borges. While no one may have a strong foundation and some buildings will sink, that has never meant that no one should try. It may take nearly forever, but eventually something will stay above ground. Until then, everyone should keep building. That way we are all working towards the same thing, the same goal. Latin American literature shows us how to keep moving, but not everyone listens. In conclusion, this literature was written with the purpose of informing us, but whether we listen or not makes the

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