
Common Sense Summary By Thomas Paine

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Common Sense was a pamphlet written at the time of growing turmoil within the colonies. Written by author and political activist Thomas Paine, Common Sense was one of the first published attacks on the British monarchy and empire controlling the colonies. The Thirteen Colonies at the time of the American Revolution were stuck between the Patriot and Loyalist parties. Patriots wanted independence from a Great Britain’s tyrannical government and Loyalists wished to remain loyal to the British crown because they thought Patriots were troublemakers who were going to bring an end to the king’s rule in the colonies. Being one of our Republican founding fathers and wishing to detach from Great Britain, Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense in attempts to …show more content…

This pamphlet was so important at the time because many of the colonies were stuck between remaining Loyal to Great Britain or taking a risk in becoming Patriots that wanted to sever all ties with Great Britain and the king. Because of Paine’s writings and growing discontent with Britain, many rebels and colonists realized the truth that American independence was necessary and that being connected with Britain was not beneficial for the colonies anymore. This pamphlet and overall resentment toward Britain resulting from actions such as the Boston Massacre, Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Tea Act, and Coercive Acts sparked the flames that would lead to an American revolution. These acts and laws were meant to punish the colonists and they caused many protests, riots, boycotts, and different forms of political response from the Patriots that all were factors that led to the American …show more content…

In states like North Carolina and Virginia, fights broke out between Loyalists and Patriots. Loyalists looked down upon Patriots as traitors for wanting to claim independence from British rule. Growing tensions in the Southern Colonies led to battles such as the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge. Battles such as this were important in early Patriot stages of declaring independence because these victories in battle paved the way for other Patriot states to declare independence through the Continental Congress. After winning the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge, North Carolina told the Continental Congress that it wanted “to join with other Colonies in declaring Independence, and forming foreign alliances” (America’s History, pp. 164). These actions led the Patriots to eventually join forces in alliances and rally other states to support and gain independence. Paine’s compelling arguments inspired Patriots even further to break off ties with Britain and in 1776, it was up to the Patriots to determine their future as a new nation. As growing support was gained for the Patriots movement towards independence, Loyalists left the Continental Congress because they figured they were defeated by the Patriots and their ideals. So, on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was officially approved by Congress and was the first step towards officially becoming free from Britain’s evil

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