
Communication Is An Essential Factor In A Healthcare Provider'S

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Communication is an essential factor in a healthcare provider 's profession for this will either aid or be of hindrance to the way he/she will render care to his clients which is dependent on how he/she will utilize it in a proper way. Through communication, nurses can effectively change lives by expressing their compassion, assuring them safety, and potentially improving the patient’s status. Every day, Nurses have to face the challenge of communicating to clients, families and the health care team, thus requiring competent communication skills to optimize satisfactory health outcomes for the clients. Consequently, nurses must be equipped with the knowledge and skills on effective communication, listen actively to their needs, empathize …show more content…

To give an example, my patient in the ward was trying to tell me something and when I responded she had difficulty in understanding what I was trying to say because she has a hearing problem and uses a hearing aid in her left ear. And also being an overseas nurse, my accent in speaking is very different. In order for the patient to understand me, I always talk to the patient on her left side. I also see to it that my speaking voice is clear and with a normal pace. There are moments when my patient can’t really understand me that’s why when I speak I tend to use gestures just so that she will have an idea what I am talking about. Just to be sure if my patient understood me, before I leave the room I always ask her if she understood what I was talking about. In addition, I have engaged myself in attentively listening to the patient’s concerns, assuring her that we were there to look after her. In this way, the patient will feel a sense of security. It is important to remember that there are differences between talking and communicating. When one communicates, one is successful in getting a point across to the person talked to. When one talks, one tends to erect barriers that hinder the ability to properly communicate. Coia and Morley (1998) and Pincus et al (2013) mentioned that reassurance can be categorised into affective reassurance (creating rapport and showing empathy) and cognitive reassurance (providing

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