
Communication Therapists And Speech Language Pathologists

Decent Essays

The interdisciplinary course is an essential pre-requisite for after degree nursing students as it allows individuals to acquire the skills necessary for inter-professional practice, as well as developing competencies necessary for patient-centered care. For my classroom experience, my team members and I have been studying the Mabel video series and reflecting on various aspects care on a multidisciplinary team, Mabel is a patient who suffered a stroke and has multiple interactions with the health care system and members of her treatment team. Viewing this video series has been full of surprises. For example, I was really surprised at the level of role overlap that exists among various health professions, like occupational therapists and speech language pathologists. Role overlap occurs when tasks can be performed by various members of a team and is an important feature of successful teams as it ensures the smooth operation of the team because members can easily fill in for each other (Guadine &Lamb, 2015). I believe this information is useful because it will help me to effectively manage my time by utilising the expertise of other team members. Team members were also able to participate in a simulation of a rapid round. Each profession provides a brief summary of the client’s assessment data and any appropriate intervention. This activity allowed us to understand how practitioners engage with their patients and how treatment decisions are made. In today’s healthcare

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