
Communication With Patients Can Bridge The Divide Between Medicine And The Beliefs And / Or Practices That Make Up

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Communication with patients can bridge the divide between medicine and the beliefs and/or practices that make up patients ' values. Language and cultural barriers should be addressed so that cultural competence and patient centeredness are meet; this includes, “ethnic heritage, nationality of family origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or socioeconomic status” (Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness in the Delivery of Health Care, 2011). Every encounter with patients provides an opportunity to learn more about patients ' culture; even “reaching out to community leaders” can be beneficial to “understanding cultural practices and accessing language services” (Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness in the Delivery of Health Care, 2011). Patient centeredness has become a way to “individualize quality, to complement the healthcare quality movement’s focus on process measures and performance benchmarks with a return to emphasis on personal relationships and customer service” (Saha, Beach, & Cooper, 2008). Cultural competence is to “balance quality, to improve equity and reduce disparities by specifically improving care for” people of all nationalities (Saha, Beach, & Cooper, 2008). To help achieve this” Healthcare organizations and providers should adopt principles of both patient centeredness and cultural competence jointly, so that services are aligned to meet the needs of all patients, including people of color and other disadvantaged groups, whose needs and

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