
'Community Digitization Of Is Google Making USupid?'

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It cannot be denied that the internet has changed the way the world operates. Products that we never thought possible have become the norm; connecting across the globe is nearly seamless; and, as Bill Gates stated in his speech at COMDEX in 1990, information is truly at our fingertips.These things are good. They help businesses and people operate at higher speeds and efficiencies, but we often stop here, not considering the impacts of these changes beyond their immediate good. The purpose of this paper is to point out some ways that the internet has failed us, or rather how we, as a society, are failingas a result of community digitization. For the purposes of this paper, the term ‘community digitization’ has been chosen to describe the process …show more content…

Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.”Carr goes on to talk about how many of his writer friends find the same thing to be true. They used to be able to sit and read pages upon pages of information, but now they have trouble making it through the first few pages without bouncing to another task for a break from the reading. Carr tells how Bruce Friedman, a pathologist at the University of Michigan Medical School, says his thinking “has taken on a ‘staccato’ quality, reflecting the way he quickly scans short passages of text from many sources online.” We can see similar ‘staccato’ thinking in our everyday lives as we jump from text conversation to text conversation, from social media to social media, from channel to channel, from interaction to interaction, and between all of these platforms. We struggle to focus on a single task for an extended period of …show more content…

According to James Carson from The Telegraph, the term emerged when President Donald Trump called out news sources for their inaccurate and biased reporting during his presidential campaign season. As the weeks and months go on since he made this accusation, fake news is popping up and being discovered all over the digital world. Much of this fake news is from unreliable or unknown sources, but it is delivered in a believable manner. Fake news is the digitized version of community gossip. It has grown into a monster that is out of any one person’s control, but unlike in the physical world, the spread of fake news is nearly immediate upon its creation, and its reach stretches far beyond walls, borders, and

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