
Community Reflection

Decent Essays

I chose as my subject University of Cincinnati, the dining halls, the workers there, their personal communities, the interactions between the workers and the students. and lastly, I am interested in the workers that cross the bridge between worker and student and take advantage of the free classes. At first I was interested mostly in the interactions between students and workers. Every time i walk into a UC dining hall I am struck by the sense of community among the workers. Its so full of energy I always want to be apart of it. By observation I want to better understand what its like to belong to this specific community. Like all discourse communities, there is a common vernacular or dialogue, that I would like to understand a little more clearly. I want to learn more about it, and understand better the work life balance of this commune of labourers. And how UC helps to better the environment. Does UC take steps to make the environment comfortable and enjoyable, and do the employees enjoy their job? Because what the workers get out of their jobs directly affects the community in and around UC and Cincinnati at large. I learned more about the jobs and the university’s role in these peoples lives. I would like to see how the university helps to improve these workers lives. The university provides over 15,000 jobs to the Cincinnati area, and is one of the largest job providers as well. I am curious to see if there are any other benefits and improvements to the community

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