
Community Service At A School Board Meeting

Decent Essays

With current technology and social media there are more ways than ever to donate time and money. I’ve included a long list of resources for you to scour at the back of the book. But sometimes so much information is overwhelming, and when people get overwhelmed they can shut down. This is why I encourage people to consider small acts of kindness and community service a part of their philanthropy. Again, this is the balance between looking out to the horizon and being aware of the larger systems at play, while having a softer gaze that’s closer to home. You can start with yourself and recognize some of the small differences you can make in your community. Subscribe to a local paper. Attend a school board meeting. Ask a local business owner about their current challenges. Walk your neighborhood and note new developments. Get to know your neighbors. Take a day trip to the next city over and pay attention to the regional differences. Visit a cultural museum and ask the docent why they volunteer there. Pick up trash at the park. Host a block garage sale and donate the proceeds to something that benefits the neighborhood. Ride the bus. Simplify your life by removing one piece of furniture or box of clothes and take one appointment or activity off the calendar. Start a meditation practice. Spend a night sleeping outside. Do something you’ve never done before. Pay attention. And don’t underestimate the power of conversation with the people in your life. So often when we meet

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