
Comparative Essay On The Odyssey

Satisfactory Essays


Comparative Literature:
Odysseus, the great king of Ithaca was one of the most-well known Greek leaders during the Trojan War. He left his son Telemachus and wife Penelope for a long time to give allies to Troy. Upon reading this masterpiece of Homer, the first thing that comes into my mind is that Odyssey has many similarities with the Epic Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh, the great ruler of Uruk in Babylonia, was very confident, proud and had a great strength that no one could overtop; while Odysseus was intelligent and clever. They both have granted powers, strength, and a kingdom to lead. Because Gilgamesh was two-thirds god, he thinks so highly of himself and that made him less affectionate to the people of Uruk. On the other hand,

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