
Comparative Look At The Roman Empire And Han Dynasty Economies Essay

Better Essays


Scott Hosier
History 111: World Civilization Before 1650
December 27, 2016 The Roman Empire and Han Dynasty had simple economies--when compared to current global economies--founded on agriculture, mining, trade, and taxation. Although those economies were straightforward it allowed civilizations to grow and eventually collapse. However, the two civilizations had drastically different methodologies on the exchange of market goods. These two economies will be described in order to properly understand, compare, and contrast similarities as well as their differences. The hills near the Tiber River were populated with farmers and sheepherders. It was those simple people that would set the foundation for Rome and become its first inhabitants. Those early residents were controlled by a civilization known as the Etruscans. Not much is known about the early populations living near modern-day Rome other than some evidence of chariot races, athletic contests, music, and other forms of art. In 509 B.C., the Romans were able to gain control and pushed the Etruscans out of their lands. Soon after, the Romans established a Roman republic led by two consuls elected by congregations of wealthy men. Rome was officially founded in 753 BC by its first king, Romulus. Early on, the city was nothing more than a collective of farmers around the Tiber River. The city was only approximately 14 miles from the

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