
Compare And Contrast Articles Of Confederation And Us Constitution

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The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution in the United States, congress needed a stronger union for them to be able to defeat Great Britain. The articles of Confederation needed to have a great balance between freedom and order so there wouldn’t be any objections or dissapointments between the union and the people. The articles of confederation and the us constitution had quite some similarities, they were both established by the founding fathers which were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. They both were also the official government of the United States, and they both were the laws of the U.S. government. The Articles of Confederation were the first laws made until Maryland ratified which is …show more content…

constitution had many differences as well. “The Articles were unicameral while the constitution was bicameral separating the house into representatives and the senate, the senate is smaller but they get to serve longer and the house of representatives is bigger with about 400 members but they serve for a shorter time.”( shoop) This was because states wanted for representatives to be chosen in different ways.” For the Articles each state could send between 2 to 7 delegates to Congress. In the Constitution the states were allowed 2 members in the Senate and 1 representative per a certain amount of people in the House of Representatives.” (123 ) Each state wanted to be represented in different ways. The states with more people wanted representation to be based on the amount of people. On the Articles of Confederation it would be one vote per state and in the Constitution each state was allowed one vote per senate. Voting changed because people thought that they should be represented by the house of representatives. Which is a good thing because if not the people would be upset and they would not follow the laws on the

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