
Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Sir Gawain

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Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxon epic, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a tale from medieval times, represent different cultures, but while different, they have several similarities. Both of these stories have a king and someone of lower nobility who steps up to save their king. In the epic Beowulf, after 50 years have passed of Beowulf reigning the Geats, “A fire breathing dragon begins terrorizing the Geats, and Beowulf, an old man now, takes on the challenge of fighting it.” (Prelude pg. 52) Beowulf fights this dragon courageously, but since he has aged, he decided to use weapons and armor. “He raised his sword and struck at the dragon’s scaly hide. The ancient blade broke, bit into the monsters skin, drew blood, but cracked and failed

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