
Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Sir Gawain

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Dawning from the Anglo Saxon and Medieval period, Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, are two significant works of literature that describe tales of heroes during a period when one was required. Both poems were cited by oral poets. After generations of oral citation, these works were inscribed by Monks who were skilled in the art of handwriting. Monks were known to add additional information that was not previously discussed by the original poet. They also added in literary devices that make the poems more interesting. For example, there are multiples incidents of exaggeration. Sir Gawain is a young lad who stands up to prove his worthiness to his uncle and face a quest against death. On the other hand, Beowulf is a handsome, young hero who sailed to aid King Hrothgar in the battle against a hell-dam. Each character has their own set of battles to face along the journey and prove their worthiness through persistence. While Beowulf and Sir Gawain have similar heroic and chivalric qualities, Beowulf is the ultimate heroic character. Although Beowulf and Sir Gawain are different types of heroes, their heroic qualities blend together as if they were one. Heritage is a major factor discussed in historical literature. It gives the classification of the characters in a foreshadowing affect before the readers meet the characters. Although the poems do not deeply discuss each character’s parents, it does exemplify their living relatives. Sir Gawain’s uncle is

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