
Compare And Contrast Buddhism And Christianity

Decent Essays

Both major world religions, Buddhism and Christianity, though different in many aspects, including rituals, teachings and beliefs, both share a core belief: The importance of non-violence, not only in their preaching area but on a worldwide scale. However, have these religions stayed true to the founders visions? Throughout the course of history, Christianity has strayed far from these visions at times, whereas Buddhism has kept them intact, for the majority of the time.

Christianity founded in 33BCE based on the life, the teachings, the death, and simultaneously the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Their visions for the future are based on the teachings of God, and the need to obey his commandments. Whilst also creating a relationship with …show more content…

Traditional Christian beliefs include the belief in the one and only true God, who is one being and exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the belief that Jesus is the divine and human Messiah sent to the save the world. Most Christian denominations teach that Jesus will return to judge everybody, living and dead, and to grant eternal life to his followers. He is considered the model of a virtuous life.
The basic teachings of the Buddha are contained in the Four Noble Truths, which are concerned with the realisation that our objective in life is the pursuit of happiness through the elimination of the factors that create suffering. This applies universally, so contemplation of the Buddha’s basic teachings leads us to the understanding that everyone is in the pursuit of happiness. Ordinary Buddhists undertake to follow Five Precepts in guiding their actions. These five precepts enjoin against killing living beings, taking what is not given (or stealing), sexual misconduct, false speech, and use of intoxicating drink or drugs.
Though at the core of both of their beliefs is the need for peace and the extinction of

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