
Compare And Contrast Critically Locke And Parrfit's View Of Reality

Decent Essays

Topic: Compare and contrast critically Locke’s Memory criterion and Parfit’s account of psychological continuity and connectedness (find similarities and differences.) I AM……Me, Myself, and I This paper will demonstrate how Locke’s Memory criterion and Parfit’s account of psychological continuity and connectedness is more similar than you think. Is Parfit’s account of psychological continuity and connectedness just an abstract perspective of Lock’s memory criterion and personal identity theory? We start out with identifying factor of how and why Locke’s memory criterion and Parfit’s account of psychological continuity and connectedness are the same. Locke’s idea of self is that it requires a memory of the past to have a present self. As Parfit’s …show more content…

We got admit Parfit theory it is not plausible because it relies on fiction. We all probably heard old cliché question, “what is the difference between fiction and Non-Fiction?” well fiction has to make since and reality never does and this why Locke despite his lack of communicating all concepts of his theory. Now that we have a little more idea on where Locke and Parfit are coming from in my perspective, Who am, I? me, myself and I! I am in the image of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit! So think about self can you see that Parfit’s account of psychological continuity and connectedness just an abstract perspective of Lock’s memory criterion and personal identity theory? I must say in conclusion looking at Locke and Parfit it is easy for one to go to fantasy land and make sense of it all. Martians really he still carried a memory to aid in his argument, teleportation yes its possible but as the video stated both sides must remain balance or its identity would change. but it becomes very difficult to do so without including psychological continuity. Parfit uses survival in conjunction to psychological connectedness negating continuity which is absurd because identity is a continues, uninterrupted, flow and

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