
Compare And Contrast Dracula And Heading Home

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One In the Same The book Dracula by, Bram Stoker, and the short story “Heading Home” by, Ramsey Campbell, are both gruesome stories. One about a head trying to sew itself together to its former self, the other a vampire like man seeking the taste of blood (can’t blame him really blood does taste like salt). The said head was formerly, a mad scientist. The latter, a man named, Renfield. Two men so different in motives, whereas their personalities are similar. These are their stories (and yes I made a Law and Order reference). Their personalities are somewhat similar they are both resourceful the scientist relied on his head and other dismembered body parts. Page forty four, “He didn't leave you many muscles you can use; it was a thorough job. No wonder they feel safe. Now you have to concentrate yourself in those muscles that still function.” While Renfield used small animals and insects to get his blood fix. Page seventy-seven, “... when a horrid blow-fly, bloated with some carrion food, buzzed into the room, he caught it, held it exultingly for a few moments between his finger and thumb, and, before I knew what he was going to do, put it in his mouth and ate it…” …show more content…

The scientist wants to advance medical science. Page forty eight, “...The villagers thought the children had drowned, for their clothes were found on the riverbank. Medical progress, you told yourself, had always involved suffering.” It is implied he wanted to do these experiments to help people (despite killing children, not a bad guy). Where, Renfield wants to indulge in a bloody hobby (the dude from Twilight has more class than him). Page seventy eight to seventy nine, “ ‘My belief is, doctor,’ he said, ‘that he has eaten his birds, and that he just took and ate them raw!’ ” All Renfield seems to want is

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