
Compare And Contrast Extremely Loud And Extremely Close

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When keeping the psychological effects of a tragic event, such as 9/11, in mind while reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close a reader can gain a deeper insight into the way 9/11 and Oskar’s father’s death has affected him negatively. After his father’s death, caused by 9/11, Oskar begins to develop a number of fears, sleeping, and behavioral problems. Each of these is a symptom of PTSD, or post traumatic stress disorder, a product of the 9/11 attack. “First, symptoms can be produced by re-experiencing the trauma, whereby the individual can have distressing recollections of the trauma,” (Panzarino). For Oskar, he re-experiences his traumas from 9/11 through recurring nightmares, Oskar wakes up in the middle of the night with his cats paws on his face saying,“He must have been feeling my nightmares,”(Foer …show more content…

“The second way that symptoms are produced is by persistent avoidance,” (Panzarino) This is when the multiple fears begin to appear, as Oskar avoids any reminders of his father’s death. There are multiple times Oskar struggles with these fears, especially when he says, “It took me three hours and forty-one minutes to walk to Aaron Black, because public transportation makes me panicky, even though walking over bridges also makes me panicky,” (Foer 87). Oskar must take a longer way to the next Black house on his mission because of one his fears, which have recently appeared after 9/11. Finally, “The third way that symptoms are produced is by an increased state of arousal of the affected person. These arousal symptoms include sleep disturbances, irritability, outbursts of anger,difficulty concentrating, increased vigilance, and an exaggerated startle response when shocked,” (Panzarino). The last stage, for Oskar are his sleeping and behavioral problems,as can be seen when he says, “As for me, I was awake hours and hours,” (Foer 74). All of this is proof that Oskar is struggling with PTSD, caused by the 9/11 attacks that killed his

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