
Compare And Contrast Federalist And Anti Federalists

Decent Essays

The Federalist way is the future way. Over the last series of years, federalists have been arguing for a strong central government to rule the land. We strongly believe that the federalist agenda which consists of providing a strong central government by ratifying the constitution will greatly help the nation and be far better than the articles of confederation still in place. The goal of the Federalists is not to have an all controlling government, despite what many Anti-federalists want others to believe. They only want to replace the former government with a strong centralized government. They want to replace it as the Articles of Confederation do not give enough power to either the state or the central government. However, the Federalists …show more content…

They believed creating one supreme power that ruled over all the states would turn into the same situation they fought, Great Britain. “All human authority, however organized, must have confined limits, or insolence and oppression will prove the offspring of its grandeur, and the difficulty or rather impossibility of escape prevents resistance” (George Clinton, Robert Yates, Samuel Bryan, Anti- Federalist papers.) Here they wrong about how they believed if the U.S. were to have one central power as the strongest in the land it would result in tyranny. However like the Federalists, they still believed that the old government should be replaced. “Instances of the people losing their liberty by their own carelessness and the ambition of a few. We are cautioned . . . against faction and turbulence. I acknowledge that licentiousness is dangerous, and that it ought to be provided against. I acknowledge, also, the new form of government may effectually prevent it. Yet there is another thing it will as effectually do- -it will oppress and ruin the people. Patrick Henry” (George Clinton, Robert Yates, Samuel Bryan, Anti-Federalist Papers.) Here some of the authors of the Anti-Federalist papers describe how they do agree that the old government need to be replaced and that the newly proposed on could do the job. Although it goes directly back to them not agreeing

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