
Compare And Contrast Federalist And Anti Federalists

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During the years right after the revolutionary war, the development of the American government was stomped by a clash between two contrasting political perspectives. The Federalist Party, which wanted a strong central government, was led by Alexander Hamilton. On the other hand, the Anti-Federalist Party, which opposed a strong central government, was led by Patrick Henry. Essentially, the anti-federalists believed a constitution would give too much power to the national power government and feared this would create a government reminiscent to the previous tyrannical oppressive British government. The Federalists and Anti-Federalists did eventually make a compromise where the Anti-Federalists agreed they would vote for the ratification of the …show more content…

The Federalists were in power until the 1800’s. Their supporters stood for a financially sound and nationalistic administration. The Federalist propositions included tariffs, a national bank, and associations with Britain as stated in the Jay Treaty. After the treaty passed it prompted the victory of the Federalists on most of the major legislative battles. The Federalists left a long-term style as they shaped a strong new government with a strong fiscal base. Federalist knew that to have a strong nation they needed a strong government. Typically with a strong central government, the scope of personal liberties conceived by the founders would be hard to achieve. The notion of a strong central government is what enabled the Anti federalists to distance themselves from the federalists because after all the colonies fought and fled from a strong central government (Britain) defeating the purpose of independence. With this in mind, the Federalists tried the best they could to create a government that most allowed for the personal liberties that the founding fathers advocated for, as well as sufficient central government protection to prevent political and social

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