
Compare And Contrast Fish Cheeks And Champion Of The World

Satisfactory Essays


Tan’s “Fish Cheeks” and Angelou’s “Champion of the World” both show a personal narrative dealing with young girls of a minority living in an unwelcoming society.

In Tan’s “Fish Cheeks,” she was in the midst of a family gathering which took place during an important holiday. She must ‘endure’ what she considers an embarrassment when her family’s behaviour had been displayed in a way she found shameful. She watched as her ‘crush’ repeatedly showed his own uneasiness to their customs, which were presumed bizarre to him, when all she wanted was for him to see her family in a good light. The steamed fish her mother prepared, as well as her father’s belch in appreciation, were both manners the minister’s son probably found unusual. Tan grew up in a household where Chinese customs were different from the families around her. She constantly attempted to repress her heritage to fit in with those she perceived as ‘normal.’ …show more content…

They had all gathered to root for the same thing, which was the black boxing Champion to defeat his white opponent. Angelou had to grow up amidst institutional oppression and racism. She was constantly reminded by those of other races of her differences and that they saw her as less than in relation to themselves. The crowded store and the off-brand cola show that they live in an impoverished community. Having to experience this in childhood would normally have detrimental effects which could carry into her adult life. With Louis’ triumph, however, she recognised that she was as good as every other human, and her differences were something to

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