
Compare And Contrast Grendel And Beowulf

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The first creature Beowulf came upon was Grendel, he is usually depicted as a monster or a giant leaving underneath a dungeon. Hrathgar is the king of the Spear-Danes he had called Beowulf because of Grendel and the mass destruction and because this creature was uncontrollable and no one could defeat him. When Beowulf arrives at the Danes, he is ready to fight the Grendel because of what he caused to Hrathgar’s people. When Beowulf hears about this creature and that he doesn’t use any weapons just his hands and claws, well Beowulf decides to be brave and use no weapons also so it can be an even match against him and Grendel. The first match was at Herot, where Grendel was attempting his other savage attack on the people of Danes. Beowulf method of defeating Grendel was by his bare …show more content…

So Beowulf hears about Grendel’s mother and goes out on a quest for her, he does not simply go armed, but rather in full battle dress; the extraordinary attributes of the pieces he wears are described in detail. The gear he was wearing will stop anything he said. A few moments later he finds Grendel’s mothers lair, and when he comes closer she drags him in where he is out of the water and now has freedom of movement. His blade is useless, so he decides to trust in his strength and grabs her by the hair in a classic gesture of male dominance. He throws her to the ground; he cannot even maintain the advantage because she pulls him down and sits on top of him, stabbing his armor with her knife. For some odd reason, she lets him get up and as soon as he does he gets one of her own blades and deals her a lethal blow to, and through, the neck. The second trophy is Grendel’s head which he hangs in the hall in place of the

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