
Compare And Contrast Harris And Jeffery

Decent Essays

Have you ever heard of a slave man that tries to get his own master to buy his betrothed? From what we read in class, in a story it talks about how a slave man begs his master to please buy his betrothed, but it turned out that Dorcas was sold with a whole family. In the meanwhile, Jeffery’s master only wanted Dorcas not the whole family that was with her. While on the other story, it talks about how a group of slaves got caught hidden in a barn. While they was trying to escape for their freedom, a man asked if he could help them. That they could hide in his barn because if someone caught them escaping that then they would probably be beat to death. The poor slaves accepted going to the man’s barn, but it turned out that they got caught and they fought. Two of the slaves dead and the other two were taken back and they were beaten. But that for sure did not stop Wesley Harris from escaping one more time. …show more content…

The most common similar that both men had was, that they were both brave slaves that did not give up. Wesley Harris and Jeffery both received help from others. For example Jeffery received help from his master because after begging the master to buy Dorcas. The master finally deceived to buy her. While on the other hand, Harris received help from one of the slaves to get him a rope and some nails. Even after being caught escaping he still tried it one more time. The both men were desperate for getting their freedom. And another alike thing that both men had was that they both got unexpected

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