
Compare And Contrast Hiroshima And Nagasaki

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There have been many terrible conflicts throughout history that changed the world today, and this wasn't proved more true than during the time of world war 2. Specifically though, one relationship between two countries, that would change the future from the moment they made the decision *pause* to drop an atomic bomb. Specify, the events that occurred between America and Japan when America decided to create, and bomb the two locations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Let’s talk about it. December 7, 1941. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and America enters the war. Japan had a couple of reasons for directing an attack on the United States. One main reason was the need for natural resources. The United States location in the pacific, along with the decreased …show more content…

Then in 1943, the allies started gaining momentum against the japanese. Even though Japan was nearing defeat at the end of 1994, the Japanese had proved that they would do anything to win the war, including suicide tactics. Furthermore, America was planning on an invasian that would be even bloodier than that of D-Day and would possibly extend the war by two more years and kill even up to a million more lives on both sides. The US decided that building an atomic bomb was probably better than risking the deaths of more Americans and Japanese. Once the bomb was finished, they made plans to drop the bomb, which they code-named, Little Boy, on a city called Hiroshima. Hiroshima, had a population of 350,000 people, and was a location of a military base at the time of 1945. This made it a good location to target in hopes of achieving the goal to drive Japan out of the war. They used a plane called the Enola Gay, to drop the bomb they created, which they Code Named, Little Boy. By this point, Germany had already surrendered, which made Japan one of the last and primary targets for world war

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