
Compare And Contrast Jamestown And Massachusetts Bay Colonies

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Jamestown, Virginia was established before the Puritans founded Massachusetts Bay. Even though both were British colonies, the intended reasons of the colonists were different. The Virginia colony was used for economic reasons which only noblemen came to make a profit. In contrast, the Massachusetts Bay colony was for Puritans to seek religious freedom. The purpose of the two colonies was different so that the colonists in each colony created unique organizations and purposes. The London Company, which received jurisdiction over the southern portion, made Jamestown, Virginia become their economic front. At first, the noblemen that came to the new place could not bear the harsh conditions and died as Britain kept sending more men to sustain the colony. After the arrival of John Smith, the colonists learned discipline and started to plant tobacco as they became the richest colony from that. However, the monoculture of tobacco was risky if the condition was not suitable for tobacco growth. Because of the large amount of field work, indentured servants were transported to Jamestown to work. Indentured servants had seven-year contracts, and many of them wanted to attack neighboring tribes …show more content…

They were the middle class of English society and moved as a whole family, so the population in Massachusetts Bay had increased significantly. They created their own government system that differed than other colonies because Massachusetts Bay was not directly controlled by their motherland Britain. Unlike Jamestown, the colonists in Massachusetts Bay had a diverse agricultural system. John Winthrop also wrote guidelines and led the colony to become an ideal city for other colonies. Since the colony was not founded for economic use, the settlers were more successful on building a more comfortable place to live than just making

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