
Compare And Contrast Jeffersonian Federalists And Hamiltonian Government

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Although Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were two great leaders in United States history, they both had deeply contrasting views of government and economy. After America achieved independence from Great Britain in 1783, the fledgling nation needed its people to guide it towards a firm and steady future. The two political parties — the Hamiltonian Federalists and the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans — under their respective leaders Hamilton and Jefferson, each had a differing vision for the nation’s future, planting the seeds of new political parties for generations to come. While Hamilton preferred less individual and states’ rights, as well as a national bank, Jefferson, on the other hand, preferred more states’ rights and …show more content…

In Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address, he made a promise to the American people: “During the contest of opinion through which we have passed the animation of discussions and in strangers unused to think freely and to speak and to write what they think; but this being now… announced according to the rules of the Constitution…” (Doc C). With the support of a Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican cabinet, Jefferson could finally hope to repeal the Sedition Act. In this excerpt of Jefferson’s address, he is saying that while the Sedition Act was initially pushed through Congress by Federalists and without much discussion, discussion would now take place in the Supreme Court to conclude this law’s being Constitutional or not. This promise to have the Sedition Act be under judicial review illustrates Jefferson’s affinity to protect individual rights, especially those outlined in the Bill of Rights, as well as his distaste for the Federalist ideal of a strong, central government. Another governmental matter in question between the Federalists and the Jeffersonian Republicans was about the issue of states’ rights when deciding a law’s Constitutionality. After the Sedition Act was passed by the Federalists, many Jeffersonian-Republicans, including James Madison and Thomas Jefferson himself, feared what would happen to other Constitutional liberties if freedom of speech and of the press were gone. Thus, they composed a series of resolutions known

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