
Compare And Contrast Jem And Anothe In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a book about the racial tensions and segregation that arose in the 1930’s. The general storyline is about the main characters, Scout and Jem. At the start of the story Jem and Scout were always discriminating against other characters, especially Boo Radley. The town was split in half due to racial segregation and Atticus Finch, their father, was a lawyer who doesn’t care who he’s representing because he’s a man of integrity and decency. Scout and Jem eventually mature and start to understand the dangers of discrimination after they see that Boo Radley is just a human and not the person that they all made him into. One major event that takes place is when Atticus goes to court protecting an African American named Tom Robinson and more than half the town doesn’t support this decision due to Tom’s ethnicity and some even begin to harass the Finch family. …show more content…

Their age difference, expected gender roles, and maturity levels set them apart. Jem is older than Scout by four years and is able to understand situations at a deeper level then his younger sister. Scout is much more adventurous than her brother but jumps to conclusions. Jem, on the other hand, is always thinking things through and is more aware of his surroundings. He’s also protective of his younger sister and sometimes scolds Scout for acting like a girl even though she is one because as she gets older she started to become more hesitant in doing things that involved Boo Radley. On the other hand, Scout is a tomboy who is adventurous, outgoing, and is always acting with her best intentions. When Scout and Jem were sneaking onto Boo Radley’s property Scout told Jem that they should leave because something could happen to them, but Jem did not listen and he ended up getting in trouble by some adults. Scout is always looking out for herself and the people around

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