
Similarities Between Confucianism Daoism And Legalism

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Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism, are three Chinese ideologies in Classic China that held influence on how society should be, how to achieve order and what made government strong. Anyone that was a practitioner of these three philosophies would have had no idea how the Roman Republic or Empire worked in those regards. It would not be surprising if a Confucian, a Daoist and a Legalist had praise and dislike for how Rome was ran. A Confucian who might look upon the Roman society and government with most disdain and little praise. Confucianism stressed the values of ancestor worship, love for humanity and obedience for family and elders. Romans more or less gravitated to conquering land to expand the Republic or the Empire; because of this Rome almost always was in a constant state of war among foreign peoples. Confucianist would be less likely to care about land expansion or war because it was known that Confucius just wanted people to find peace in life. In that Confucius was born during the Warring States period in Ancient China and all his life he longed for the peace he dreamt for. More than likely a Confucianist would look down at the constant state of war Rome was in.
Another Roman custom a Confucianist would look down upon would be their religious practices.In Roman culture regarding religion, they practice a polytheistic religion of gods and goddesses, making the worship of those gods more important than honoring their ancestors.This would upset and confuse a

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