
Compare And Contrast Lewis And Clark

Decent Essays

Lewis and Clark were the first pioneers, to explore the west coast. The journals of Lewis and Clark are the single most important document in the history of American exploration. On their journey they discovered new animals such as the grizzly bear. They started their expedition May,1804 and returned to St.Louis September, 1806. First of all I’m like Lewis and Clark in many different ways. For example Lewis and Clark had to preserve over the bad times.On their journey they had to go over the mountains when it was freezing cold outside. I have to persevere when I get a bad grade on a test. When that happens I can't just lose all faith and give up. If Lewis and Clark would have not preserved, they would have never made it all the way to Oregon from St. Louis and back. Lewis and Clark and I both endure our hardships to achieve our end goals. …show more content…

They had to compromise with the Indians while they were trading. If Lewis and Clark were not willing to compromise they would have gotten in a lot of fights with the Indians.Like Lewis and Clark I have to compromise. In school I have to compromise with my fellow classmates in group projects. If we don't compromise and get a argument and we’ll get a bad grade on the project. So as a student I have to compromise like Lewis and Clark. While Lewis and Clark and I have many similarities we also have a vast amount of differences. For example, they had to travel by foot. It took them 2 years to go to Oregon from St.Louis and back by traveling on foot. They also could not go in a straight line from St.Louis to Oregon. Nowadays it only takes us around four hours to get to where Lewis and Clark went if we went on a plane. Another factor is that I could drive a motor boat 40 miles per hour upstream and they had to walk their boats. As you can see travel was a lot different back then and now not many people could make that type

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