
Compare And Contrast Malcolm X And Martin Luther King Jr

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In African - American history there were many great people who had struggled for their freedom in many ways. Such were known for their successful rebellions and some for their great speeches that made a big change on their progress of freedom. When you compare between these two Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr then you will know the difference. Even though they both had the same purpose, but they had different racial views. Dr. King was a great leader who wants peace and freedom while Malcolm was a racist and extremist who was willing to use force to get his way. Malcom was trying to get several states ruled by black people, while Dr. King’s dream was having freedom, justice and equality among the white people. These two most important men in African American history made a significant change in providing equality especially for black people in America. Malcolm X was born in Omaha in May 19, 1925. He was light skinned because his grandmother was raped by a white man. His father was a militant who …show more content…

Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. both had unconditional love for their people. They both wanted to see something great happening in the life of the black people. They both were religious even though their religion was different. The difference between them, Malcolm was a former criminal who believed in discrimination and willing to use violence to achieve his goals and he made every Black Muslim believe that white men are devils and said “Christ wasn’t white. Christ was black. The poor, brainwashed Negro has been made to believe Christ was white to maneuver him into worshiping white men.” In the other hand Dr. King was always against violence, he believed in equal rights and to love peace and sacrifice for it and said “love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality.” Then used Saint John’s

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